Project Highlights

Project Highlights


1. Advised a major Independent Power Producer in determination of tariff for 3 x 350 MW coal based power plant

Independently led filing of cost-plus Tariff Petition for a thermal project. The project has multiple PPAs including cost-plus and case-1 bid out PPAs. The petition involved critical issues such as time and cost overruns, shortfall in linkage coal-new coal distribution policy, normative auxiliary power consumption lower than designed and electricity duty on the auxiliary power consumption, claim of water charges. Subsequent to regulator’s order, the order was challenged before APTEL for delay and costs disallowed and recently before Supreme Court for balance claims.

2. Advised a major Independent Power Producer in determination of tariff for 4 x 600 MW coal based power plant

Independently led the assignment of determination of generation tariff for 4 x 600 MW coal based IPP. Also advised client on the key regulatory matters that might impact their tariff and prepared report for the use of drafting tariff petition.

3. Led Preparation of Business Plan and Multi Year Tariff Petitions for a State Electricity Board

Carried out all the activities related to Regulatory filings for SEB’s Generation, Transmission and Distribution functions viz. preparation of Business Plans, determination of ARR/ Tariff along with Tariff models, advised on regulatory filings, public hearings and preparation of response and analysis of Tariff Order and suggested client on major issues relating to Accounting Methodology and Cost of Supply.

4. Advised State Generation Company on Tariff and various regulatory matters

Advised in matters relating to Generation tariff determination/ filing of tariff petition of Generation Company for generator’s various power stations/projects and all matters relating to sale of power by generator.


5. Change in Law claims under Case-1 PPA provisions

Assisted in preparing financial model and filing petition for change in law claims under the provisions of the competitively bid PPA. Prepared grounds of challenge in terms of PPA qualification criteria for various claims, facts & notifications, determination of impact in costs during construction period and operation periods. Having favorable orders from Central Commission, appeals are being heard for the balance claims.

6. Change in Law claims under Case-1 PPA due to GST regime

Assisted generator in preparing response regarding Goods and Services Tax (GST) as change in law claim under the provisions of the competitively bid PPA pursuant to suo-motu order issued by the Central Commission. The deliverable included determination of impact pre-GST and post-GST implementation and submission of facts/ government notifications. The Central Commission issued favorable order.

7. Counter arguments against Change in Law claims by Discom re. Change in Bank rates

Prepared counter arguments against the change in law claims raised by Discom due to change in bank rates; the claims made by discom dismissed by state commission and now the matter is before Appellate Tribunal.


8. Study on Private Sector Participation in Indian Power Sector for a Multilateral Funding Agency

Comprehensive power sector study covering preparation of a database of PPP transactions and a study report with in depth analysis on each segment of the value chain viz. Generation, Transmission, and Distribution (rural and urban) in post- reforms era with respect to private sector participation. The objective was to understand PSP experiences, trends, related policies and processes and various issues through separate case studies in each segment and conclude with the mutual cross cutting effects.

9. Review of Draft Policies and the Electricity Act

Advised on draft Policies and Electricity Act, included critical clauses related to “Composite Scheme”, Change in Law Claims related to “Taxes & Duties” and “Coal Pass Through” in New Tariff Policy 2016 which acknowledged by Supreme Court as Law and helped in protecting generators’ claims.

10. Counter arguments against the jurisdiction issue raised by Discoms in APTEL and Supreme Court

Prepared strong counter arguments against the jurisdiction/ composite scheme issue raised by discoms and received favorable orders first from Appellate Tribunal and subsequently from Supreme Court.

11. Study on Power Sector overview of Indian States for a Multilateral Agency and a Private Generating Company

Conducted analytical Power Market Study for selected states of India. The study involved state specific analysis of Industry structure, Market Segmentation, Demand-Supply situation, Financial Position of the State, Power Procurement and Financial Projections.


12. Advised PSU Joint Venture as key Regulatory Lead in Preparation of Corporate Plan for 2012-2022

Addressed key regulatory/ policy matters that might impact client in envisaged business options. Identifying key regulatory issues based on the discussions with management internally and external entities-regulatory bodies and power ministry. Analyzed tariff based competitive bidding and the impact of open access charges (inter-state and intra-state) in line with latest regulatory/ policy changes. Actively led the workshop for client to discuss their inputs for future business options, company’s vision and mission statement

13. Led Preparation of Business Plan and Multi Year Tariff Petitions for a State Electricity Board

Carried out all the activities related to Regulatory filings for SEB’s Generation, Transmission and Distribution functions viz. preparation of Business Plans, determination of ARR/ Tariff along with Tariff models, advised on regulatory filings, public hearings and preparation of response and analysis of Tariff Order and suggested client on major issues relating to Accounting Methodology and Cost of Supply.

14. Conducted Procurer’s Assessment in Bihar for Bid Advisory assistance to private developer for Case-2 Projects

Advised in preparing power sector scenario in Bihar which included project due diligence, risk assessment, advisory support in fuel, financial modelling and bidding strategy.


15. Clarificatory petition regarding allocation of linkage coal and alternate coal.

Received favorable order from Central Commission regarding methodology of allocating linkage coal and alternate coal costs due to shortfall in linkage coal.

16. Impleadment before State Commission re. inadvertent deduction of fuel adjustment charges

Challenged inadvertent deduction of FAC (Fuel Adjustment Charge) by the discom before State Commission and received positive order.


17. Design, Development and Implementation of Regulatory Information Management System (RIMS) for a Regulator

Led the design and implementation of the RIMS for Electricity Regulatory Commission (ERC). Assessed regulatory requirements, stakeholders’ concerns, designed business process maps, conducted benchmarking study, determined key performance indicators, designed To-Be process maps and prepared a detailed RFP for selection of Developer. Involved with ERC in selection of developer based on the RFP selection criteria and carried out Project Management activities.

18. Assisted in a Study on HVDS Cost Benefit Analysis for a Distribution Company (DISCOMs)

Analyzed financial impact of HVDS implementation on selected agricultural feeders in four circles with respect to pre-HVDS implementation. The assignment involved conducting a detailed field survey, data validation and analysis to understand the impact of HVDS, incorporate the benefits on account of various factors in the financial model and prepare a detailed report on HVDS cost benefit analysis along with recommendations and suggestions.


19. Power Sector Reform in Uttar Pradesh:

Analyzed technical information, identified key business issues, prepared various strategies to target loss making areas, planned structured processes to implement the practical solutions and policy recommendations, managed project execution, training, handholding and post implementation support.

Accelerated Efficiency Improvement Program (AEIP):
  • Facilitated Uttar Pradesh Power Corporation Ltd. (UPPCL) in improving efficiency by
    • Design, development and implementation of MRI based billing for high value consumers.
    • Credit control activity to deal with long outstanding dues and fictitious arrears.
    • Proper accounting of banking energy between CPP owners & UPPCL.
    • Physical verification of HT connections for tamper detection.
  • Demonstrated system improvement initiatives such as
    • Design, development and implementation of Computerized MIS report generation.
    • Interactive workshops explaining needs for AEIP.
    • Model Substation Program to deal with technical and commercial lacunas in 33/11 kV substations. .
    • Energy audit to derive actual technical & commercial losses.
  • Provided technical analysis inputs across various regulatory issues in ARR filing for UPPCL, KESCo.
  • Facilitated KESCo for Energy audit on loss making industrial feeders to derive actual technical and commercial losses.
20. “Multi Buyer Multi Seller” System – Availability Based Tariff (ABT) Implementation
  • Implemented new Power Market Structure (first of its kind in India) with Availability Based Tariff.
  • Designed, developed and implemented system for Interface Meter data reading, download and transfer.
  • Carried out infrastructure requirement analysis at data collection centers. Compiled database of all interface points (G-T, G-D). Developed strategic route map for monthly meter data capture-download- transfer. Imparted Training to all transmission and generation department officials and discussed issues.
21. Private Sector Participation, Distribution
  • Surveyed ~300 households in 12 villages to understand the status of rural electrification. Prepared a report on socioeconomic scenario in U.P. for private sector participation strategy paper depicting household vs. village electrification across India, barriers to household electrification in highly electrified villages of UP.
  • Collated commercial information of HT consumers and analyzed the TOD tariff impact on consumption pattern and revenue.
22. Private Sector Participation, Generation
  • Visited Generation plants; studied R&M schemes, contracts & performance reports of Obra, Panki and Harduaganj and prepared unit wise report on operating status and plant condition.
  • Assisted in RfQ preparation for private sector participation in the generating plants of UP Rajya Vidyut Utpadan Nigam Ltd (UPRVUNL) through various technical and accounts information.

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